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伟伟 ,男,蒙古族,1988年11月出生,内蒙古兴安盟科尔沁右翼前旗人。工学博士,讲师。2012年7月本科毕业于77779193永利,获理学学士学位(物理学);2015年7月硕士研究生毕业于77779193永利,获工学硕士学位(材料物理与化学); 2021年7月博士研究生毕业于东北大学,获工学博士学位(冶金物理化学)。2021年8月至今,在yl6809永利官网任教。教学方面,担任本科生“大学物理”、“电动力学”、“基础物理实验”等课程;科研方面,主要研究金属材料在不同环境中的腐蚀与防护、镍氢电池新型负极材料(储氢合金)的研发与改性。目前在金属材料腐蚀领域顶级期刊Corrosion Science,Journal of Materials Science & Technology等国内外杂志上发表学术论文20余篇。


1. Wei Wei, Shujiang Geng, Fuhui Wang, Evaluation of Ni-Fe base alloys as inert anode for low-temperature aluminium electrolysis,Journal of Materials Science & Technology,107 (2022) 216-226.

2. Wei Wei, Shujiang Geng, Gang Chen, Fuhui Wang, Growth mechanism of surface scales on Ni–Fe–Cr alloys at 960 °C in air, Corrosion Science, 173 (2020) 108737.

3. Wei Wei, Shujiang Geng, Dongbai Xie, Fuhui Wang, High temperature oxidation and corrosion behaviours of Ni-Fe-Cr alloys as inert anode for aluminum electrolysis, Corrosion Science, 157 (2019) 382-391.

4. Wei Wei, Bao Lihong, Chao Luomeng, O. Tegus, Solid state reaction synthesis and characterization of PrB6 nanocrystals, Journal of Crystal Growth, 415(2015)123-126.

5. 伟伟,田晓,特古斯,国庆. 机械合金化法MlNi3.55Co0.75Mn0.4Al0.3/Mg复合储氢合金的相结构和电化学性能, 稀土,36(2015)69-73.

6. Luomeng Chao, Lihong Bao, Wei Wei, O. Tegus, A review of recent advances in synthesis, characterization and NIR shielding property of nanocrystalline rare-earth hexaborides and tungsten bronzes, Solar Energy,190 (2019) 10-27.

7. Xiao Tian,Wei Wei,Ruxia Duan,et al. Preparation and electrochemical properties of La0.70MgxNi2.45Co0.75Al0.30 (x=0, 0.30, 0.33, 0.36, 0.39) hydrogen storage alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 672 (2016) 104-109.

8. Luomeng Chao , Lihong Bao, Wei Wei, Tegus O, Zhidong Zhang, First-principles study on the electronic structure, phonons and optical properties of LaB6 under high-pressure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 672 (2016) 419-425.

9. Lihong Bao, Lumen Chao, Wei Wei, O. Tegus, Tunable transmission light in nanocrystalline La1-xEuxB6, Materials Letters, 139(2015)187-190.

10. 包黎红, 朝洛蒙, 伟伟, 特古斯, 稀土硼化物LaxCe1-xB6亚微米粉的制备及光吸收研究, 物理学报, 64(2015)096104.