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团队队伍——教师介绍(Francois Guillou)



Francois Guillou,男,19846月生,硕士生导师,研究员。主要从事磁性材料研究,在磁功能材料、稀土材料和同步辐射技术的领域取得了一系列重要研究成果。迄今已发表 SCI 论文 50 余篇,其中23篇第一作者,包括 Advanced MaterialsNature CommnunicationsPhys. Rev. B.等国际顶尖学术期刊,论文总引 600 多次。申请发明专利3项,已授权欧洲发明专利1项。主持完成国家自然科学基金 1 项,参与国内和国外的国家级项目 5 项,主持省部级项目3项。获自治区“青年科技英才”科技领军人才A类、自治区“草原英才”工程引进人才等荣誉。20199月受中国科技部邀请参加了在北京人民大会堂召开的70周年国庆期间活动, “中国科技创新政策宣讲会”和“外国专家招待会”。教学方面,承担研究生和本科生的《专业外语》、《新生研讨课》、《科技英语写作》等专业课程。


20082011,博士,凝聚态物理,卡昂大学 (CRISMATUniversity of Caen),法国

20062008,硕士,材料科学,鲁昂大学 (University of Rouen),法国

20032006,学士,物理与化学,鲁昂大学 (University of Rouen),法国  


2018–至今,研究员,77779193永利, yl6809永利官网

20162018,博士后,美国国家能源部埃姆斯国家实验室 (Ames Laboratory),爱荷华州立大学,美国


20112014,博士后,代尔夫特理工大学(Technology University of Delft),荷兰









1. 主持,国家自然科学基金,国际(地区)合作与交流项目/外国青年学者研究基金,Creating, understanding extraordinary magnetic discontinuities in europium intermetallics, and bringing it close to applications2019.1-2019.12

2. 主持,自治区“青年科技英才”科技领军人才A类项目, 2020-2021

3. 参与,国家自然科学基金,Mn-Fe基磁制冷材料的磁性、机械和热导性能研究, 2019-2022

4. 参与,国家自然科学基金,磁热材料的微观组织调控对一级相变的影响机理研究,2020-2023

5. 入选内蒙古自治区“草原英才”工程,引进人才项目;

6. 主持,高端外国专家引进项目,新型磁-热能量转换材料的基础应用研究,2019-2020

7. 主持,77779193永利高层次人才科研启动经费项目,Opening new perspectives in magnetism and low temperatures physics at Inner Mongolia Normal University2018-2023



1. F. Guillou, G. Porcari, H. Yibole, N van Dijk and E. Brück, Taming the first order transition in Giant Magnetocaloric materials, Adv. Mater. 26, 2671 (2014).

2. F. Guillou, A. Pathak, D. Paudyal, Y. Mudryk, F. Wihelm, A. Rogalev, V. Pecharsky, Non-hysteretic first-order phase transition with large latent heat and giant low-field Magnetocaloric effect, Nature Communications, 9, 2925 (2018).

3. F. Guillou, H. Yibole, Z.Q. Ou, E. Brück, O. Tegus, Large recalescence-like event at the first cooling across the magnetictransition of (Mn,Fe)2(P,Si)magnetocaloric materials, Scripta Materialia, 160 ,8185 (2019).

4. F. Guillou, K. Kummer, Y. Bréard, L. Hervé, V. Hardy, Valence and spin-state transition in cobaltates revisited by x-ray magnetic circular Dichroism, Phys. Rev. B, 95, 174445 (2017).

5. F. Guillou, S. Thota, W. Prellier, J. Kumar, and V. Hardy, Magnetic transitions in Mn3O4 and an anomaly at 38 K in magnetization and specific heat, Phys. Rev. B 83, 094423 (2011).

6. F. Guillou, Q. Zhang, Z. Hu, C. Y. Kuo, Y.Y. Chin, H.J. Lin, C. T. Chen, A. Tanaka, L.H. Tjeng, and V. Hardy, Coupled valence and spin state transition in (Pr0:7Sm0:3)0:7Ca0:3CoO3, Phys. Rev. B 87, 115114 (2013).

7. F. Guillou, K. Ollefs, F. Wilhelm, A. Rogalev, A.N. Yaresko, H. Yibole, N.H. van Dijk, E. Brück, Electronic and magnetic properties of phosphorus across the first-order ferromagnetic

transition of (Mn, Fe)2(P, Si, B) giant magnetocaloric materials, Phys. Rev. B 92, 224427 (2015).

8. F. Guillou, F. Wilhelm, O. Tegus, A Rogalev, Microscopic mechanism of the giant magnetocaloric effect in MnCoGe alloys probed by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 122405 (2016).

9. F. Guillou, A. Pathak, T. Hackett, D. Paudyal, Y. Mudryk, V. Pecharsky, Crystal, magnetic, calorimetric and electronic structure investigation of GdScGe1-xSbx compounds, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 29, 485802 (2017).

10. F. Guillou, P. Courtois, L. Porcar, D. Bourgault, and V. Hardy, Calorimetric investigation of the magnetocaloric effect in Ni45Co5Mn37:5In12:5, J. Phys. D : Appl. Phys. 45, 255001 (2012).

11. F. Guillou and E. Brück ,Tuning the metamagnetic transition in the (Co,Fe)MnP system for magnetocaloric Purposes, J. Appl. Phys. 114, 143903 (2013).

12. F. Guillou, Y. Bréard, V. Hardy Cobalt spin state above the valence and spin-state transition in (Pr0.7Sm0.3)0.7Ca0.3CoO3, Solid State Sciences 24, 120 (2013).

13. F. Guillou, V. Hardy, D. Fruchart, B. Zawilski, Determination of the magnetocaloric entropy change in presence of phase separation and metastability : the case of Eu0:58Sr0:42MnO3, J. Mag. Mag. Mater. 363, 145 (2014).

14. F. Guillou, H. Yibole, G. Porcari, N.H. van Dijk and E. Brück, Magnetocaloric effect, cyclability and coefficient of refrigerant performance in the MnFe(P,Si,B) system, J. Appl. Phys. 116, 063903 (2014).

15. F. Guillou, H. Yibole, N.H. van Dijk, L. Zhang, V. Hardy and E. Brück, About the mechanical stability of MnFe(P,Si,B) giant-magnetocaloric materials,J. Alloys Compd. 617, 569 (2014).

16. F. Guillou, H. Yibole, N.H. van Dijk, L. Zhang, V. Hardy and E. Brück, Effect of boron substitution on the ferromagnetic transition of MnFe0.95P2/3Si1/3, J. Alloys Compd. 632, 717 (2015).

17. F. Guillou, H. Yibole, A. Kamantsev, G. Porcari, J. Cwik, V. Koledov, N.H. van Dijk, and E. Brück, Field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect in MnFe(P,Si) materials, IEEE transactions on magnetics. 51, 11, 1 (2015).

18. F. Guillou, Sun-Liting, O. Haschuluu, Z.Q. Ou, E. Brück, O. Tegus, H. Yibole, Room temperature magnetic anisotropy in Fe2P-type transition metal based alloys, J. Alloys Compd. 800, 403 (2019).

19. F. Guillou, D. Paudyal, Y. Mudryk, A.K. Pathak, V. Smetana, A.-V. Mudring, V.K. Pecharsky ,Metamagnetic transition, magnetocaloric effect and electronic structure of the rare-earth anti-perovskite SnOEu3,J. Mag. Mag. Mater. 501, 166405 (2020).

20. F. Guillou, U. Legait, A. Kedous-Lebouc and V. Hardy, Development of a new magnetocaloric material used in a magnetic refrigeration device, EPJ Web of Conf. 29, 00021 (2012).

21. F. Guillou, H. Yibole, G. Porcari and E. Brück, Boron addition in MnFe(P,Si) magnetocaloric materials : interstitial vs substitutional scenario, Physica Status Solidi C 11, 1007 (2014).

22. F. Guillou, S. Rayaprol, S. D. Kaushik, N. Kumar, K. Singh, and C. Simon, Neutron Diffraction, Specific Heat and Magnetization Studies on Nd2CuTiO6, AIP Conference Proceedings 1731, 130004 (2016).

23. F. Guillou, A. Hen, F. Wilhelm and A. Rogalev, First-order antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic transition in Mn(Co,Fe)P probed by x-ray absorption experiments, J. Phys. :Conf. Ser. 903, 012043 (2017).

24. H. Yibole, W. Hanggai, Z.Q.Ou, R. Hamane, V. Hardy, F. Guillou Magnetic properties, anisotropy parameters and magnetocaloric effect of flux grown MnFe4Si3 single crystal

J. Mag. Mag. Mater. 504, 166405 (2020).

25. Liting Sun, H. Yibole, O. Tegus, F. Guillou Magnetocaloric Effect, Magnetoresistance of Sc0:28Ti0:72Fe2, and Phase Diagrams off Sc0.28Ti0.72Fe2-xTx Alloys with T = Mn or Co

Crystals 10, 410 (2020).

26. J.Y. Xu, Lingling-Bao, H. Yibole, F. GuillouStructure and magnetic properties of Fe1.95-xNixP1-ySiy alloysSolid State Communications 319 (2020) 113996.

27. F. Guillou, H. Yibole , R. Hamane, V. Hardy, Y. B. Sun, J. J. Zhao, Y. Mudryk, and V. K. Pecharsky,Physical Review Materials 4, 104402 (2020).


1. Magnetocaloric materials containing BF.Guillou, E. Brück, B. Reesink (BASF company) Patent Publication number WO2015018705 A1 (2015).

2. Magnetocaloric materials with B (Mn rich)F.Guillou, E. Brück, B. Reesink (BASF company)Patent Publication number WO2015018610 A1 (2015).

3. Magnetocaloric materials with B (Fe rich)F.Guillou, E. Brück, B. Reesink (BASF company)Patent Publication number WO2015018678 A1 (2015).